Here in the United States, the rate of obesity is on the rise. According to the CDC, more than 73% of adults 20 years and older are overweight. That number has continued to rise over the last decade, so why can’t we find a solution?
According to a recent study, there are several key factors that can keep people from eating healthy and contribute to these rising obesity rates:
POOR DIETARY FOUNDATION - Nutritional habits form during childhood, which make them difficult to change.
LACK OF MOTIVATION - This is most common as it’s hard to start a new diet or fitness routine.
OVERALL ATTITUDE - If you have a negative attitude in general, it will be difficult for you to find the drive to start a fitness regime or begin to eat better.
EATING HEALTHY IS TOO EXPENSIVE - This is one of the biggest myths about living a healthier lifestyle.
Of course there are more reasons that keep people from eating healthy, but in this article, we will discuss the last point: “eating healthy is too expensive” by giving a few ideas about how to Do Keto On A Budget.
When you break down what’s known as the “standard American diet”, it becomes clear that this, rather than dieting, is what’s bad for us. Most pantries around the U.S. are filled with foods that are high in sugar, sodium and grains without any healthy fats, fruits or vegetables.
Luckly, the Keto Diet focuses on just that: healthier options that assist with weight loss. Not only can it be affordable, but you can get the results you want without sacrificing most of your favorite foods.

Sure vegetables may be a little more expensive than fast food, but they are essential for eating healthy and are packed with nutrients. However, not all vegetables are created equal!
You should try to stay away from starchy vegetables as they are high in calories and have less fiber. This means you can eat a lot of them and still not feel full, which leads to weight gain. Some veggies to stay away from include:
- Corn
- Green
- Peas
- Beets
- Butternut
- Squash
- White + Sweet Potatoes
- Carrots
You can save money by avoiding starchy vegetables and focusing on choosing ones that contain more nutrients. Some popular favorites are eggplant, arugula, brussel sprouts, and celery. Spaghetti squash, cauliflower, and lettuce are also good examples that can go a long way in your meals.
To reduce food waste, we recommend pre-cutting vegetables and freezing them. You can also buy frozen bagged cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, etc. as long as you’re mindful of the ingredients. While they are great in theory, sometimes preservatives are added to frozen foods to maintain a longer shelf life.

Eating meat is a great source of protein but it can be expensive, especially if you’re having it once or twice a day. However, there are many ways to cut costs when it comes to meat. Certain cuts of beef, like rib eye are packed with nutrients but can cost up to $14 per pound at Target! In order to save money, you can substitute it with something like chuck roast. It is similar in nutritional content but half the price of rib eye, which means you can buy and eat more of it for less.
The same can be done with most other meats and poultry, you just have to take the time to find the best price. Meat is certainly an item on your list that’s worth cutting coupons and shopping sales for.
For example, when it comes to chicken our first instinct is to go for boneless chicken breasts right? It’s in high demand, so it’s also the most expensive. At Walmart, chicken breasts can cost more than $4.50 per pound! If you’re willing to do a bit more work to prep, chicken thighs are only $1.96 per pound and still have lots of protein.

​​Yes, just like that colorful childhood theme song says, beans are in fact a fruit! Like peas, they’re members of the legume family, which means they are seeds that come in pods.
Regardless of whether you think beans as a fruit or vegetable, we can all agree that they are great for you! They are packed with protein but be careful as most canned beans can be high in net carbs.
Instead of traditional beans that are high in sodium, good alternatives can include lupini beans or black soybeans. They are both easy on the wallet while still having all the delicious benefits of that magical fruit (vegetable).

Fresh fruits or veggies should always be the top priority, but they can quickly get expensive. Frozen berries and vegetables offer a less expensive alternative that will still keep you on track.

Eggs are a great source of protein and one of the most cost-effective foods out there - and an added bonus, they are totally okay for keto! One large egg has around 4.8g of fat, 0.4g of carbs and over 6g of protein. The average cost of a dozen eggs (according to the Farm Bureau) is around $1.25, which means that each egg only costs about 10 cents.
Eggs don’t have to be just a morning food either! Some of the best and most affordable ways that we found to cook eggs can be enjoyed for lunch or dinner. Try combining scrambled eggs with dark leafy greens and shredded cheese for a frittata that you will be glad to eat any time of the day!
In a final word, you don’t have to break the bank for your keto lifestyle. In fact, reevaluating our current eating habits won’t just benefit our wallets; it will also help our overall health and well being. Though it may seem like you’re spending a lot of time and money trying to find the right foods, just remember, food is our body's fuel. Investing in your health is never a “bad investment.”
Author: Tony Berardo, Date Published: June 21st, 2022
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